Who's who

One of my favourite photos is of my littles cousins and my dear sister. They are very important people to me because I'm so happy with them. We took it last summer when I was with my family in Mallorca. In the summers I usually visit them, but this year I'm going to London with my partner. This photo will be my memory of them on my holidays. We were celebrating my birthday on a beach at night after we finished dinner we went swimming.
Mª del Mar who is my sister, is the best person that I know, Bel Victori is wearing a dress, Margalida and Miquel are twins, Nuria is Laura’s sister, Maria Magdalena is the first girl that is on the right, Margalideta is wearing a ponytail, Toni Guillem is the youngest cousin and I’m in the middle of the photo. There were ten people, but in this photo many faces appear. It looks difficult, but it's easy because it's a fake of the lomography, which is a manual camera.
I keep this photo on my blog online because is one way to remember. As a poem says, "Mallorca is a beautiful story about Mediterranean landscape, human beings, imagination, love and nostalgia”.